Extremadura Birdwatching Fair (FIO)

Monfragüe National Park, Spain

FEBRUARY 21st TO 23rd 2025


Welcome to FIO 2024!

The largest event for birding in Spain

We invite you to a journey through the fascinating world of birds and nature at the Extremadura Birdwatching Fair (FIO)

February 23rd to 25th 2024

Monfragüe National Park (Cáceres, Extremadura)


Can you help us to improve FIO? Let us know your thoughts on the design for FIO 2025. By completing this survey you can give us your views on different aspects of the fair. It will only take a few minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. Access by scanning or clicking on the QR below. Thank you!

Three intense days full of activities

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Enjoy and learn about ornithology, conservation projects, art, tourism, communication...

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Guided Birding tours

Get to know this wonderful environment through hiking routes, by bus and by 4x4.

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Beautiful snapshots related to the world of birds and nature.

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FOTOFIO (Photography Talks)

Expert nature photographers talk about their techniques, experiences and travels.

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Specialised workshops

Workshops for adult audiences on drawing and painting, sounds of nature and identification. Presentations of bird books and ornithological tourism.

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Workshops, storytelling and shows for children and families.


Extremadura Birdwatching Fair (FIO)

Monfragüe National Park

Extremadura Birdwatching Fair, organized by the Regional Government, is the perfect opportunity to connect with bird lovers, conservation experts and nature enthusiasts.

In addition, you will be able to obtain valuable information about tourist destinations that stand out for their rich birdlife.

Join us and share your passion for birds and nature!

English artist Ben Woodhams, designer of the 2024 FIO poster

Cranes are part of the landscape of Extremadura in autumn and winter. Thousands from northern Europe spend the coldest months here. Our region is the main wintering area for this migratory bird in the Iberian Peninsula. Their flight and trumpeting call accompany us in the Guadiana basin, La Serena, La Siberia, Sierra de Gata and the reservoirs of Valdecañas, Gabriel y Galán, Borbollón and Los Canchales, among other sites.

FIO dedicates this year’s poster to this emblematic species of Extremadura. As has been the case for years, the General Directorate of Tourism has invited a renowned artist to develop the image of the biggest bird fair in Spain. And this year is the work of Ben Woodhams, an English artist and illustrator who lives and works on the Danish island of Bornholm, in the Baltic Sea, an area where many of the cranes that travel to southern Europe come from.

With his work 'Three Preening Cranes', Ben Woodhams joins the list of great national and international illustrators who have collaborated with FIO.

Artists invited by FIO to design the official poster (most recent years):

  • 2023: Manuel Sosa (Extremadura, Spain)
  • 2022: Killian Mullarney (Ireland)
  • 2021: Andrea Romero Ardila (Colombia)
  • 2020: Lars Jonsson (Sweden)
  • 2019: José Antonio Sencianes (Spain)
  • 2018: Darren Woodhead (United Kingdom)

Are you a professional?

This is your moment! Explore new business opportunities in the ornithological and nature tourism sector.


Concha Hierro

Press Officer

Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports


+34 924 00 70 59


We're On Instagram
#FIO2025 Conferencia ‘Hawk Mountain, Pensilvania (EEUU): noventa años de conservación de aves rapaces’, por Laurie J. Goodrich

✅ Sábado, 22 de febrero | 12:30

Hawk Mountain, fundado en 1934, fue el primer santuario para aves rapaces del mundo. Ayudó a lanzar un movimiento para conservar estas aves en Estados Unidos que finalmente condujo a su protección legal en la década de 1970.

Tras la conferencia habrá un coloquio moderado por Alfonso Godino, coordinador técnico de Acción por el Mundo Salvaje (AMUS).



#FIO2025 Coloquio ‘El turismo de observación de aves en el mundo’

✅ Sábado, 22 de febrero | 10:00

El Consejo de las Ferias de Aves del Mundo (World Birdfair Council), del que forma parte FIO, compartirá la actualidad del turismo de observación de aves en el panorama internacional, así como los eventos y actividades que engloba.

Las ferias y eventos de este tipo han hecho una gran contribución al turismo de observación de aves, a la conservación de la vida silvestre y sus hábitats, y a la sensibilización ambiental del público en general. 

También brindan un lugar para que profesionales del turismo, investigadores y conservacionistas establezcan contactos, compartan resultados de investigaciones y discutan estrategias para la conservación de las aves y la naturaleza.

Intervendrán en este coloquio:

➡️ Horacio Matarasso (Argentina), presidente del comité organizador de la Feria de Aves de Sudamérica

➡️ Victor Yu (Singapur), del comité ejecutivo de la Feria de Aves de Asia

➡️ Herbert Byaruhanga (Uganda), del comité ejecutivo de la Expo Africana de Turismo Ornitológico y de International Conference for Women Birders

➡️ Andrew Sebastian (Malasia), cofundador de Asian Bird Fair Network y de Wild Bird Club de Malasia

➡️ Modera: Vanessa Palacios, de la Dirección General de Turismo (Junta de Extremadura) y coordinadora del Club Birding in Extremadura



#FIO2025 Presentación del libro 'Un recorrido para descubrir la naturaleza de España', de Javier Gómez Aoiz

✅ Domingo, 23 de febrero | 10:40

A través de 365 propuestas, esta obra recopila lugares y paisajes de gran interés y un amplio elenco de especies de fauna y de vegetación.

Más información:


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